Friday 26 August 2011


St Martial in the rain

Anna says that it sounds as if we've landed up in Jean de Florette country - and indeed that's exactly what it feels llike. Our days here continue to delight - the past two days have been rainy and the valley is clothed in mist. Our routine is to drive into Le Vigan to the cafe for our daily coffee au lait and croissant while we check our mail. We had planned to go to the biggest gorge in Europe yesterday but thought it might be better to do that on a good day, so armed with delicious bread, brie and baby tomatoes we set off for a little circular drive through the village of Ganges up into the mountains. This area used to be the centre for the silk industry and so there are huge ancient stone mills dotted around. Sadly it was so misty that our visibility wasn't great and the roads so narrow that we had to concentrate as we climbed up the steep pass and then we had to have our picnic in the car. Guess you can't strike it lucky all the time!  Conal is getting the hang of the roads although I still have to remind him to stay on the right sometimes - but he seems far more confident driving although found it a bit nerve wracking on the narrow passes in the rain. He is enjoying pottering around the farm - fixing things and putting in new globes where necessary. We go for little walks around our area called Paillerols and found a path taking us along the contour where the hill side has been terraced with stone retaining walls - terrace upon terrace all overgrown.

Duck a la Conal

We wandered across to thank Ani for letting us in and met her husband Omer Faidherbes. They are both well-known artists who have had numerous exhibitions - he paints landscapes and has done a series of botanical water colours for books while she does outlandish wooden sculptures and all manner of patchwork out of wonderfully rich fabrics. The curtains in our bedroom have been made by her. They are both such interesting people and we had a lovely time looking at his studio and art - and Ani showed us her work as well. 

 We are surrounded by fig trees and even I can't keep pace with all the ripening figs - huge walnut trees, apple trees, vines, pears & olives - the list just keeps growing. And the bird life entertains Conal - he spotted a pair ospreys flying overhead and a paradise flycatcher visiting the fig trees. 

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