Monday 29 August 2011


Cafe des Cevennes where we have our daily coffee

Centre of Le Vigan

Le Vigan has 10,000 inhabitants - in summer this doubles and with August drawing to a close the town is emptying as people leave for their journey home. However when we went into town on Saturday we found it transformed - it was market day, the whole town was buzzing and we had to wait patiently for parking. We wandered around looking at the local produce including chickens in coop an then decided to drive to a little village called Brieu where we'd been told that there was an auberge that served delicious meals. I wandered into the restaurant to find it deserted and in fact it I suspect that the whole village had gone to Le Vigan to the market. 

View from Auberge la Borie where we had Sunday lunch

Yesterday we decided to go to Mangadout  for lunch, yet another village along tortuous roads where the restaurant is perched on the edge of the mountain with wonderful views across the valley. We had a delicious meal - and staggered back to Paillerols with Conal driving with the added confidence of a full stomach. 

We've been hearing a donkey braying and on our walk yesterday found the rather handsome animal grazing happily in the field nextdoor - accompanied by a number of Isa Brown chooks. I'm about to start a book recommended by Sara called Travels with a donkey in Cevennes written by Robert Louis Stephenson so was thrilled. 

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