Saturday 2 July 2011


Summer arrived during our last few days in London. Saturday was the usual grey overcast weather that we've become used to - we took a boat from the Tate Gallery to the Tate Modern and I was once again amazed at the huge industrial spaces, contrasting with the classical architecture of the Tate. We walked across the Millenium bridge designed by Norman Foster the axis leading to St Paul's Cathedral and the   wing-like ribs of the bridge extending across the water reminding one of a boat - a simple but masterful design.

Millenium Bridge and St Pauls

London is a buzz of building and roadworks in anticipation of the Olympics. We drove past the Olympics Village and saw the giant stadiums and the tall accommodation blocks that have been built to house the contestants. Sadly the scale is alienating rather like that in the city where the high rise buildings  creates warren-like spaces where the wind whistles and not enough light penetrates. 

We had a wonderful last evening with Peter and most of the family - Christopher, Davina and the twins sadly couldn't join us.  It was a birthday celebration barbie for Katie who lives in the house on a perfect evening with lovely people, champagne and lots of lovely food. We left on a sweltering day - just in time it appears. Peter wrote:

today was quite a trial for poor Jess being 30 degrees or more and Christopher tells me that the twins bedroom is 28 degrees and not a breath of wind. I tried to bring a fan down this evening but lo and behold the water mains have burst in the heat, the trains have packed up and the route to their house has been closed due to fallen scaffolding, the bridge is closed, Cathy had to walk home as the buses were queuing up the King’s Road (shall I go on?).
And of course the tennis was amazing (what I got to see of it). C’est la vie a Londres!

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