Thursday 16 June 2011


Oxford is referred to as the 'other place' by Cambridge and I'm so pleased that Conal was able to see  both. Garry kindly drove us to Ian & Sheila's who live in a beautiful flat set in 12 acres on the outskirts of Oxford in an area called Littlemore. The lovely Georgian buildings were once a lunatic asylum until they were recently sold and renovated.

We hopped a bus into Oxford and wandered around - Conal was able to see Brasnose where Nicky studied, and Balliol where Matthew will be staying next month.

Conal & Ian in front of the Camera - Brasnose in the background


We managed to get to the Ashmolean Museum and wandered around for a few hours before hopping  the Oxford tube back to London. 
We're managing our quick visits well and take only a small bag each leaving the bulk of our stuff at Peter's flat. Our rather longer trip to Ireland will be a bit more of a challenge - the weather has been cool and we still wait to wear our summer clothes! 

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