Saturday 16 April 2011

THE COUNTDOWN - Step one - Travelling light

The Managers - Cameron & Murray

The Garage Sale -

Our neighbours asked us to join in a street garage sale and this was a great opportunity to shed some of the unused stuff that we have been carting around. Cameron and Murray agreed to run the sale for 10% of the profit. We woke on Saturday morning to the sort of downpour that Sydney can produce occasionally - it was as if someone had opened the tap fully but, undeterred we decided to go ahead. My leisurely Saturday morning egg and bacon was disturbed by our first customers at just after 7 am! A good deal of swift footwork was required to set up in a rather wet carport.
The boys did a marvellous job - Murray undertook the marketing, running up and down the road rounding up customers, while Cameron handled the cash. The proceeds - after their cut - will be sent to Kate Christie's Aids orphans - and we're feeling a lot lighter.
The packing boxes were delivered by Apple Movers on Friday..... eeek this is for real!

Moving on:      Wednesday 11th May

Flying out:        Saturday 14th May

Destination:     San Francisco

Whew ---